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Recording History through On-Location Sketches

URBAN SKETCHERS KUCHING (USk), founded by 3 architects back in 2010, is one of 280 Urban Sketchers chapters of sketchers worldwide. They were formed to record the disappearing markets that lined the Kuching old waterfront. USk Kuching members create on-location sketches as a reportage to tell stories of Kuching’s buildings, people and events. Today, the eclectic mix of USk Kuching members come from all walks of life, but they all share the same passion as all the urban sketchers around the world, to show the world we live in, one drawing at a time. Other than our regular monthly sketch outings, we have hosted several notable workshops and exhibitions as part of the awareness and education outreach for our members and anyone interested in sketching.

Join us for a sketch and follow our stories on https://www.fb.com/groups/USkKuching

Spice shops in front of the Indian Mosque
This stretch of spice shops represent the early Muslim Indian settlement and merchants who had settled here and saw their textile and spice trade flourished. Built-in a distinctive Moorish architecture that is still unique in the context of architectural history in Kuching, these spice shops were perfect complement to the waterfront fish, poultry & vegetable markets that were once lined parallel to them, as a way to bring food to life.

Islamic Heritage Museum
The Islamic Heritage Museum was initially built as a school, known as the James Brooke Malay College. Later known as Madrasah Melayu Sarawak in 1930, the building was specially used as a college to train more teachers in higher Malay studies. There were mostly mission schools at that time were doing excellent work on English while there was a lack of qualified Malay teachers. One of the sketchers recalled coming here for a teacher’s meeting when it was the Education Department before it was the Islamic Heritage Museum today.

Peggy Wong is one of the founders of Urban Sketchers Kuching. Although she is a practicing architect who works with precise and methodological linework, she wants to give more heart and soul to her lines through her sketches. She now serves on the international USk Executive Board as Events Director. The fellowship of USk Kuching, and the mission to record stories and scenes of Kuching, is one that is still dear to her heart. https://www.instagram.com/peggyzoewong/

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