Next time you cross a river by Sampan, or photograph one crossing to / from one of the many Pangkalang Sampan that dot the north and south banks of the river, spare a thought for the master wooden boat builders…

Part 2: An Anthropological Perspective

THE VOICE OF MY GRANDFATHER Ribuh Long (his name means “The confluence of a thousand rivers”), still rings clear in my ears: “Rivers flow downriver from their origin upriver; their flow can never be reversed from the rivers’ mouth where they end.

The 12 summits of the Kerangan Rocks

LIKE THE ICONIC STONES clustered on the grassy plains of far-away England, Karangan’s huge megalithicrocks are unique in the Sarawak landscape. These bare rock pinnacles protrude 20 meters above a 200 meter high, forested ridge between Bako National Park and mouth of the Sarawak River at Muara Tebas.

The Wild and the Exquisite

DO YOU KNOW YOUR ROOTS? Cultivated in your backyard or gallivanting wild in the jungles, roots are usually hidden underneath the ground. They lack the glory given to leaves and flowers often paraded for their beauty.

Working with Tom Harrisson

MY COUSIN AND I WERE in charge of setting up the annual Christmas Nativity scene outside St Joseph Church. It was an impressive affair – 6m x 3m, a painted backdrop, enclosed on three sides and a roof with atap sheetings.

Recording History through On-Location Sketches

URBAN SKETCHERS KUCHING (USk), founded by 3 architects back in 2010, is one of 280 Urban Sketchers chapters of sketchers worldwide. They were formed to record the disappearing markets that lined the Kuching old waterfront.

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